How It Works

How It Works

How It Works

The purpose of this site is primarily to give you the options of travelling by commercial or charter Air ambulance within two locations on any part of the globe .This could be within a particular country or two different countries or travel across more than two countries /continents /states.

At first we shall provide the options and feasibility and possibility of operations – whether the transfer is doable or not -medically and logistically. Cost of operation and the timeline shall be shared at a later stage.

We would need the current medical condition of the person who would require medical assistance. We shall on need basis would speak with the treating Physician/hospital/clinic/caregiver. For this we would need the emails and phone no of the treating medical facility and their conveniences for receiving the calls and email - answering our quarries .

If Picture says a thousand words, than a video can paint the a much larger picture in a few seconds. If there are no medical/legal/IPR/personal issues, please WhatsApp the video of the patient from ICU ward/HDU/room on the +91 93 554 12126 or follow the link for an invite to the App This helps us take a quick decision on fitness for flight and safety during transport. The video shall not be shared with any one else and would never be used ever on any platform - even for training purpose. We shall send a disclaimer into this effect if you prefer to send a video of the patient. This reduces lot of precious time to take timely decisions and helps us avoid lengthy email conversations .

Only after planning the route , mode of transport, flight and evaluation of the medical condition we shall send you the quotation/cost and feasibility of the medical evacuation.

We might take up to 72 hrs or more depending upon the case – to provide you the cost and feasibility of transport.

We shall communicate during all this time with you to get more information about the transfer. If we do not hear from your side any email /phone calls / replies to our request we shall treat the request as cancelled and shall close the case within 72 hrs .

The execution of the aero medical transport shall be /may done by various operators located in different parts of the World .This is done for better patient care and to cut down upon the operational cost .In most case there shall be options of the service providers to choose from. We shall share the providers details and credentials. The decision shall be finally yours.

The contract within the user and the service provider shall be final and binding. BMAA platform shall not be responsible for the outcome of the medical transport or any complication arising out of the same.

All medical legal disputes arising from the medical assistance or default in the services shall be tried only in courts of New Delhi - INDIA

The website and the portal for air ambulance operations for worldwide operations is operated from New Delhi, India - 110048. The Director operations is a Medical Doctor with 25 years of experience in Aero-medical assistance, pre hospital care, ground ambulance transfers andtrained and certified as an Emergency Physician in INDIA .All decisions are taken by the Medicalteam of BMAA.COM.