Transporting patients by Air Ambulance  - safely since 1998

Making Air Medical Travel Easier

Book Your Air Ambulance

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Book My Air Ambulance

We are a medical assistance company operating ground and air ambulance services from New Delhi India since 1998 and have repatriated patients to all parts of the World. We have seen the Air ambulance industry grow and have been an integral part of it. But when we get injured and sick out of our home country we need caring hands and help to get us back home. The medical assistance team has to work with empathy and dedication to do everything right, in right time on the right flight and at the right price. Book My Air Ambualance helps you get you everything right at the first time. 

(+91) 9811412126

20+ years of experience

Have operated ground and air ambulance services from New Delhi, India since 1998 and have repatriated patients to all parts of the World

Integral Part of the industry

We have seen the Air ambulance industry grow for the past two decades and have been an integral part of it serving patients from all over the world

Assuring quality and honesty

Our medical assistance team works with empathy and dedication to do everything right, in right time on the right flight and at the right price.